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Ratsumies2.jpg (11400 bytes)The Kyronkaankaantie road from Hameenkyro to Kauhajoki, so from Finland to Pohjanmaa province is an old highway, which in the old times has been one of the empire's main roads and the only link ably to use in summertime when traveling from the castle of Hameenlinna to the city of Vaasa. The Kyronkankaantie road has been used as a post line, war road and population channel.

The Kyronkankaantie road has been established in the Middle Ages in connection with hunting transport and fur trade.  As early as in those days it has run near place where we can see it on the maps from the 1650's and later on.

King Gustav II Adolf used the Kyronkankaantie Winter road in 1628 when traveling from Narva to Stockholm. King Adolf Frederick travelled on the Kyronkankaantie Summer road in 1752 when making his 'eric's tour' in Finland.

The Kyrönkankaatie road and its views are often remained quite natural, so the road is an excellent way to learn to know the nature and history of Finland.

In times past the sights of the road have been the Hallapyora rapid in Hameenkyro,  the Uhrilahde (Sacrifice spring) in Jamijarvi, The Kuninkaanlahde (King's spring) in Kankaanpaa and the inns like Hollo, Vehuvarpe, Soini, Niinisalo, Kyron Skanssi, Nummijarvi and Hames Havunen.

Nowadays the sights of the road are Ikaalinen Spa in Ikaalinen, Jami Ski Tunnel in Jamijarvi, Kuninkaanlahde Caravan Center and Circle of Art in Kankaanpaa, City Museum and Military Canteen in Niinisalo, Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park in Karvia and Hames Havunen Inn in Kauhajoki.

These Kyronkankaantie pages have been started in 2003 in the Leader project by the LC Karvia and the Lions Clubs by the road.

R.EM RURAL EMOTION PataviNoS 2010 - 2013